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  4. How to host a competition

How to host a competition

Prized is the best way to host an online competition in South Africa.

It’s really easy to host a competition and you start the process by sending in your application in just a few minutes. You can start the process by completing the application form on our Run a Competition page.

Prized has featured many high-profile brands in the past, and wants to showcase your company or brands too!

What happens after we applied to host a competition?

The friendly staff at Prized will review your application to see if it’s a good fit for running online competitions in South Africa. Then we start engaging with the company or brand to determine the kind of offer/prize that would help us reach campaign goals most efficiently.

We get creative with email & social media

Once the campaign details have been ironed out, we start with the production of the creative for the email marketing campaign.  Production of the creative can be a team effort, or Prized’s designers can handle the entire design process at a nominal fee.

The media assets are then deployed to our website and social channels where we will start seeding campaigns.

Campaign Seeding

Depending on the length of the viral email marketing campaign, we employ different strategies for campaign seeding.

Campaign Results & Choosing a Winner

Once the competition is concluded, we verify entries and select a winner via random draw. Winners are announced once we receive confirmation from competition sponsors.

Ready to run your first Viral Email Campaign?

Click here to apply.


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